As an evangelist, I’ve dedicated my life to answering the call of Jesus to ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone’ (Mark 16:15 NLT). Through revival meetings, crusades, and outreaches, we’ve seen firsthand the power of the Gospel to transform lives, restore families, and ignite entire communities with the fire of God. From the smallest towns to the largest cities, we’re committed to preaching an uncompromised message of salvation, healing, and deliverance. Your partnership allows us to go farther, reach more people, and see an even greater harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. Together, we are making an eternal impact.
As founders of MJV Ministries, they carry a mandate to win the lost, revive the church, and equip believers to walk in boldness and authority. Their ministry has taken them across the United States and to the nations of the world, seeing thousands come into the Kingdom and countless lives transformed by the anointing. Through soul-winning, powerful preaching, and Holy Spirit-led discipleship, Michael and Sara are raising up a generation that will carry the fire of God to the ends of the earth. As Kingdom Partners, you have the opportunity to stand with this mighty vision and help bring in the end-time harvest. Together, we will make an eternal impact!